How does a big steaming turd become even more steamy and turd-like? It's a strange question and one wonders why anyone would ask it?
The moral fibre of the average tabloid |
Well, you need to have some way of describing the actions of the News of the World. We already know that they have been tapping the phones of the great and the good - and the not so good - but
they have also been exposed as having tapped into the phone of a girl who was missing in order to listen to the desperate messages being left by her family. And when the phone's memory became filled, they deleted some messages so that they could make room for more.
I wouldn't wipe my arse with this |
The parents, desperate for any sign that their daughted might somehow be safe, believed that the deletions were evidence that she was still alive. Who else would have been deleting the messages, only their daughter? I know that journalists often have a bad reputation. Very often they deserve it. But this has to be a new low in the way scummy tabloid journalists have pursued stories to fill their hate-filled rags. It is no more than I would have expected of a Murdoch publication. He's not called 'the dirty digger' for nothing.
Trampling on dead children for a story |
There will be outrage over this story and some of that outrage will be voiced by other tabloids. However, by tomorrow, we will be able to stroll down any street in Britain and see people going to work with red tops tucked under their arm. I don't know just how much evidence the public needs in order to realise that funding these scumbags
by buying these papers
is the problem. If you don't want pigeon crap everywhere, then you stop feeding the pigeons. You may think that it is a pipe dream to expect the british to stop buying these rags and that it will be business as usual come tomorrow. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The Sun craps on the Hillsborough victims |
In the days following the Hillsborough disaster, when 96 Liverpool fans died in tragic circumstances, the Sun printed a story on its front page claiming all sorts of lies about the behaviour of the Club's fans as the tragedy unfolded. As a result of that particularly disgusting piece of journalism, the Sun newspaper is rarely seen under anybody's arm in that city. The paper has an almost zero circulation - people simply refuse to buy it. The Sun has worked hard to suck up to the city and its people, but with little impact. Good for the scousers. They show that it can be done. If only this policy was adopted by more people, then perhaps gutter journalism might just become a thing of the past. However, this is Britain. If you expect the british people to do this on a wider scale, then you will be waiting a very long time. I am not intending to hold my breath...
22 years of hurt |