Sunday 3 April 2011

The Worst Advert in the World - Ever!

Yes, it's bad! Worse even than the Go Compare adverts or anything involving meerkats. I just don't get this one. Some awful adverts are going for the stickability angle - getting that name deep inside your head, even if it annoys you - and market research shows that this actually works. Can you remember any of the directory enquiries numbers? I bet you can - and I further bet that it is all thanks to the mustachioed freaks that one company has repeatedly utilised - to annoy us into remembering their number.

Oh, for a flame-thrower

Some adverts try to make the subject appealing. Or help us identify with the protagonists. Or determine a need that the product can fill. I'm not sure what angle they were going for here, but I am just left feeling vaguely uneasy, whilst harbouring an itch to punch all participants in the face for being so pathetic and cringe-worthy. See what you think...

So, did you identify with these instant sweet-hearts or did you just want to give them, and everyone else involved in producing this ad, a damn good beating? With big sticks. With rusty nails sticking out. Or, are you going to rush to your computer and sign up for the service they offer? I couldn't possibly comment. I am too busy punching what remains of my TV screen And then I will have to bandage my bleeding knuckles. So very busy.

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