Monday 25 July 2011

Hague tells Gaddafi - 'You must go - pretty please'

Yeah! I know what you are thinking. We've heard all this crap from him before. Many times before. Super Statesman, William Hague is at it again.

Thought he had Gaddafi where it hurts

What is it with this guy? He has been bleating that Gaddafi must go for months now. Does he think Gaddafi or anyone else for that matter, could care less what Uber-Statesman William Hague thinks, or says, or does? The trouble with Hague is that he has been in politics during an era when flexing a bit of military might did the trick. Gulf wars, Kosovo interventions - you name it. The West dictated and the world fell into line, even if it took a bit of carpet-bombing along the way to make it so.

Laughing loudly and pointing at Hague

And so our World Statesman, Willy, thought that the same would happen in Libya. Give the big speech, tell Gaddafi he must go and wait for the military magic to work. Hey Presto! William wills it - it happens.

And now...  the end is near...

Or maybe not this time. No response to the command. No puff of smoke at the end of his wand. No simple fiat. So this time he has changed the tune. 'Gaddafi might go. Gaddafi might even stay, but please go, Mr Gaddafi. Please? Pretty please?' The world heard his demand and now we are still hearing it again, only in a weak and pathetic voice. Seriously, Willy. Maybe it is time to shut up. Climb back in your box and stop playing the big man. No one cares. No one listens. You are bleating like a lamb on a lonely hillside. Go away!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't write off Hague yet. I've just read that "Hague's latest actions... send signals to Gadaffi". Now you can't get tougher than that.

    I can see this escalating to the evil eye next, or maybe even the cold shoulder if things get much worse.
