Sunday 3 July 2011

What sort of creepy buffoon is this man?

Watch this video. No - don't argue. Just do it. This is very weird and a bit creepy. Ed Milibland demonstrates that regardless of the question asked, you can just give the same answer five times in a row. And that is supposed to pass for grown-up politics? Is this really what the interaction between our creepy politicians and our hopeless media has thrown into existence? Apparently so. They deserve each other - except that the vacuum in the political sphere that is left is likely to wreak havoc in the lives of the poor and the vulnerable because those who should be sticking up for them are busy playing pathetic games. And the poor and vulnerable don't deserve that...

Grow up Milibland. Start acting like the opposition. Start acting like a Labour politician. And stop trying to out-Tory the Tories. They're better at it after all. They've had hundreds of years of practice at it.


  1. Oy Ed Mate! I have a better idea. Why don't we switch off the rhetoric, get round the negotiating table and stop it happening again.

    He's a robot. A big fucking clanking TORY robot with a broken voice circuit. His voice track has been set to repeat rather than random.

    Well done Ed: the labour party is now officially DEAD.

  2. Or as someone else pointed out in the hilarious YouTube comments, he thinks the government have been reckless and provocative. Oh, but he agrees with the government.

    What is the purpose of this man? Perhaps if we painted him orange he could stand by the roadworks on the M1

  3. He is hopeless. He is torn between being a leftie and keeping the blairites happy. Result - he's a fart drifting on the wind. A complete irrelevance. He stands for nothing, offers nothing and will win nothing. I give him two years at most, before the party - who should expect to sweep the next election - decide he is a liability.
