Thursday 16 June 2011

Ewww! Watch it yourself!

The exalted leader had his eye operation this week. They removed the old lens in his left eye and replaced it with a plastic one (I think I have mentioned this in an earlier post). It's all very clever stuff, but I don't really want to know the gory details of what actually happened. I have enough difficulty just looking at this picture of an eye never mind imagining how they cut, injected and did other unspeakable things to it. Ewww!

Not that the same can be said of the patient. All he seems to want to do with his new bionic eye is to watch Youtube videos of the operation, complete with all the cutty, stabby injectiony procedures that they do to this delicate organ. I can assure you, as I have assured him, that he is on his own. I am getting all numb and icky just thinking about it. Anyway, far be it for me to impose my own values on others. If you want to see this delicate operation for yourself, you are more than welcome. Just don't ask me to join you.

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