Tuesday 14 June 2011

Still room for the babies

One of the joys of coming to Belfast these days is seeing how much the place has improved since the end of 'The Troubles'. As a kid, the place was constantly under a cloud - a sea of barbed wire, security barriers, soldiers, burned out buses and flags flying from every conceivable 'sticking place'. That has all gone - the city looks and feels great and the best thing that people say about the politics here is that it has become boring.

Security Barriers in Belfast Shopping Streets - now gone

These days, they talk about health care and schools and creating new jobs. There is a sense that there is a growing maturity making its presence felt amongst the political classes. Former members of opposing terrorist organisations meet together, sit down together and agree on policy together - as elected politicians - and the old age of sectarian gesturing seems a long time ago.

Or maybe not. Sadly, there is still room for the babies. This story is currently doing the rounds at present. Judge for yourself the level of maturity displayed by this political pygmy. A Unionist Councillor in Limavady, Boyd Douglas, has taken to displaying a union flag in meetings in contravention of the council's policy. The policy is designed to cut out opportunities for distracting displays of allegiance in order to promote the real business of the Council. Mr Boyd is trying to make a point and he eventually took the flag down, though he claims he will fly it again. The BBC reported...

Monday's meeting was delayed for over an hour while Sinn Fein mayor Sean McGlinchey took legal advice. Mr Douglas eventually took down the flag, claiming he would have removed it last week had he been asked "nicely".

Grow up, you big baby!

Had he been asked nicely. There you go - that is the mark of the man. I have seen toddlers with a greater sense of maturity than that. There are still politicians in Northern Ireland who pander to the lowest and most childish instincts present in the population. How very, very sad. Clearly there is some way to go. I hope Mr Boyd gets to reflect on his actions - not now - but when he is an old man and after a new generation of serious politicians has permanently moved the agenda onto real issues. I hope he becomes flushed with embarrassment. The time for the babies to grow up is long overdue. Seriously Mr Boyd - do us all a favour. Go wave your flag somewhere else.

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