Tuesday 7 June 2011

I'm back!

I know that I kicked the blog into touch having had such a low readership, but I'm back now. I just couldn't stay away. Every time I see an news item that makes my blood boil I just want to dive in here and put the world to rights. So much has happened since my last entry. Time to let rip...

Vacuous air-head - as dumb as she looks

The race to become the Republican nominee to challenge Barack Obama next year has started to take shape. And what a fine shape it is. Turd-shaped, I'd guess. Republican air-head Sarah Palin showed herself up yet again by demonstrating that she knows less about American history than I do. She was visiting 'historic' Boston and she blabbed some fairytale version of the Paul Revere story to reporters that could not have been more wrong. (Normally I would have linked to Wikipedia's entry for Paul Revere, but followers of Palin have tried to spare her blushes by doctoring the entry to make her version appear correct - the entry has now been frozen after 70 re-edits have been attempted in the last few days).

Anyway, she refused to admit that she had got it wrong and came up with some contrived and convoluted excuse to make it appear that she was somehow correct in her utter wrongness. Once again, the very people who claim to represent the spirit of the founding fathers of the US have no idea about their own history and will lie and cheat rather than admit their mistake. These people have no scruples at all. The likes of Palin and fellow Republican wooden-head Michelle Bachmann have shown themselves up time and time again - without ever apologising or admitting their mistakes.

Rick Santorum - oh please - just one round with Mike Tyson

Another Republican Presidential hopeful and professional scumbag, Rick Santorum, has suggested that health care disrespects those americans who died on the beaches at Normandy. Seriously! I can imagine that those troops would have felt pretty gutted if, in their dying moments, they could have imagined that in 60 odd years time, ordinary poor americans might just have had access to health care. What a slap in the face. Strangely, he seems to have forgotten that when the british troops got back home, one of the first things the post-war government did was to set up a decent health care system, free at the point of use, as a mark of respect to a generation who had fought on neighbouring beaches in Normandy. Mind you, if only that was the most idiotic thing he has ever said - most of his previous rantings are utterly vile and a quick check on his Wiki page is enough to bring out the sickbags.

Well, americans, you get what you deserve. You vote for these people time and time again. Your love affair with desperately untalented and stupid rich people has brought your country to its knees and makes it an embarrassing stain on the face of democracy. Well, I for one don't care. Go on, elect some lying moron to 'defend your freedom' by giving tax breaks to their rich friends whilst you wave goodbye to the health care that they have convinced you is nothing more than a communist plot. When you're bleeding to death from a ruptured appendix because you can't afford to visit a hospital, you can comfort yourself that at least some rich banker somewhere can afford a second yacht as a symbol of your hard-fought freedoms.

Stupid, stupid people. You sad brain-washed morons! You are a nation of insular, non-passport owning, intellectually-challenged, bigots with no idea just how owned you really are. Owned - by the politicians who lie to you, by the corporations who shaft you, and the rich that bleed you dry and tell you that it's all about defending your freedom. You wouldn't know freedom if it came up and head-butted you and you wouldn't feel it anyway because you lack a brain to process the pain. Go away. You annoy me!


  1. Individual americans can be ok; it's only when they behave en-masse that they get my goat.

  2. Good to see the blog back again.
