Wednesday 16 February 2011

Balkan Train Crash

Kosovo celebrates its third year of independence today (17 Feb). Happy Birthday Kosovo. It is one of those Balkan states that was once part of the old Yugoslavia, along with Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Montenegro. The balkan states have had a troubled history and their coming together and their eventual separation have been described as a train crash. (Do you see what I have done there? Was that a clever segue or just a flimsy excuse to show an amazing video - you decide)

So, to celebrate Kosovo's third birthday, here is a train crash from another balkan state - Croatia. Now, when a train crashes in Croatia, they send in the rescue teams and, of course, they send along a service vehicle to assist in the operation. And boy, do they send that service vehicle in with some gusto.

The video shows the aftermath of the train crash and the rather urgent arrival of the service vehicle. Hang on to your hats!

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