Monday 21 February 2011

Recipe Request

Well, what a response! That last post about my lunch has left me deluged for more ideas for stunning meals. In particular, people are asking for breakfast ideas - something that is often over-looked by the current generation of TV chefs. So, in response to the demand, here is my recipe for a truly fantastic transatlantic breakfast.

Flocons de Maïs Grillé avec du Lait Froid et du Sucre Granule

                      For illustrative purposes only - actual dish may look different


45g           Flocons de mais grille (Try the convenient 500g cartons by Kelloggs)
150ml       Fresh cow's milk (Can be skimmed, semi-skimmed or full cream)
5g             Medium granulated white sugar


The flocons de mais should be arranged attractively in a bowl, drawing upon your imagination and artistic flourish. The milk should be shaken gently to mix the cream content evenly, and poured onto the flocons. A gentle sprinkling of the granulated sugar provides a dashing flourish to the whole dish, though this is optional. The dish should be served immediately. For those with a more adventurous side, you can add milk warmed gently in a saucepan, or the whole thing can be whacked into a microwave for 1 minute. The dish is traditionally eaten in your pyjamas whilst watching early morning TV.

Preparation time - 30 seconds
Cooking time - 10 seconds

If this proves popular, I am happy to provide other recipes that I enjoy on a regular basis, including:

Haricots en Sauce Tomates sur des Tranches de Pain Grille
Nouilles en Pot (Curry, Chicken & Mushroom etc)
Poulet au Curry de Vesta


  1. I think it's commendable that Kellogs have started selling proper french food now.

    An alternative would be to have les oeufs, saucisses, frites et les haricots tomates, pain frit avec le pudding noir. I often eat this at my favourite restaurant, La cuillère
