Sunday 20 February 2011

Clocks may move forward and stay there - at last!

I really don't know why this idea has been resisted by politicians for so long. But there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel (at least later in the day - not so much in the mornings). Finally, it has been acknowledged that on so many levels, we would be better off leaving GMT behind for good. Everyone I know that has ever expressed a view on this subject loves the idea. Apparently, some Scots aren't so keen - the moaning ones - who claim that it might lead to more accidents in the mornings. When you only get 35 minutes of light in midwinter anyway, why does it matter when you have your brief glimpse of the sun?

                                                Less Moaning Required

Personally, I cannot wait. The idea that, in mid summer, it gets dark so much earlier than it needs to and that it gets light at some ridiculously early time of morning (when we are all tucked up in bed) is barmy. And last time I looked, I didn't see that many scottish people around - at least, not here in Reading. Where are all these moaning scots anyway? If they don't like the idea, maybe they should go back to Scotland. Problem solved!
                                            Albert Einstein - Not Scottish


  1. They tried this in Queensland but people voted against it. They thought the extra hour of sunlight would fade the curtains.

    Seriously though, I remember when I was young, Northern Ireland (or was it the whole of UK?) tried an experiment with shifting DST. We were all issued with free reflective armbands for going to school in the morning. I can't remember it exactly but I don't remember many people moaning about it. Maybe Dad would remember it better.

  2. p.s. I object to your portrayal of all scottish people as ginger haired freaks who all wear tam-o-shanters.

    Scotland is a modern bustling economy and the people there are right up to date and able to afford the good things in life. Surely this would have made a more suitable image:

  3. Indeed they did. Scottish farmers ruined it on that occasion. They moaned that it somehow affected their activities. I cannot see how. Cows need milking when they need milking. When you only have six hours light, what does it matter whether it starts at 8.30 or 9.30?
