Tuesday 22 February 2011

New Zealand Earthquake

We often hear about earthquakes and other natural disasters in parts of the world that have little or no connection to us. However, on this occasion, an earthquake has hit Christchurch in New Zealand. Brother Tom lives in New Zealand, so it makes one sit up and listen that little bit more intently. Fortunately, he is miles away on North Island. Still, it makes you think. UK citizens often choose NZ as a destination for emigration because it is seen as a safe environment in which to raise a family. I doubt many people think too deeply about the fact that NZ owes it very existence to its position on the edge of a major tectonic plate. It is the product of massive volcanic/tectonic activity, so these sort of disasters come with the territory. My thoughts are with those that have lost loved ones.


  1. Of course the earthquake is the very definition of disturbing but at least it is natural and we can't avoid it.

    What I also find disturbing, in a different way, is that the youtube video is now overlaid with a message stating that one of the news networks has blocked the video for copyright reasons. Presumably this means that footage of natural disasters has become a money making venture for these fucking parasites.

  2. Thanks for the alert about the video. I have replaced it with one broadcasted by Russia Today (RT) - until they take that one down!
