Thursday 19 May 2011

Time for another Barf Award

Yet another Guantanamo Bay Prisoner has committed suicide. He is the sixth long-term 'detainee' to have taken his own life. His attorney has revealed that Hajji Nassim had been suffering from a 'paralyzing psychosis', a mental illness that pre-dates his imprisonment without trial. It was his third, final and ultimately successful attempt to end his life.

I don't know how I could cope with such a situation. He was stuck in limbo - there was not enough evidence to convict him, so his imprisonment just went on and on without much hope of a chance to clear himself. It doesn't exactly hold the self-appointed champions of freedom and democracy in a very good light. It exposes their moral bankruptcy and fuels the anger towards the west that recruits more and more terrorists. President Obama promised to close this prison down and end this offence against democratic values. He has gone back on his word - and yet another desperate and hopeless prisoner takes his own life.

For that, President Obama & the U.S. authorities have earned themselves yet another Barf Award. You make me sick...

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