Friday 27 May 2011

What on earth is this all about?

Pakistan & India - two nations out of one, born in bloodshed and still actively hating each other. The rivalry begets a show of animosity which has melded over the years into a crazy tourist attraction. Anyway, Michael Palin can explain better than I can, so why are you still reading my drivel? Wake up - play the vid...


  1. I have seen this! Very fun, very crazy, and everybody tries to stir up the crowds...Lots of Indians dancing and chanting 'Hindustan zindabad' etc. Now I want to see it from the Pakistan side too.

  2. You've been to India? When did that happen? Did I miss this? Next you'll be telling me that you got married without letting me know.

    It does look pretty crazy, doesn't it? Still, I suppose it is better than them beating six bells out of each other.
