Saturday 19 March 2011

Another Barf Award

The Republicans in the U.S.state of Minnesota have excelled themselves in downright nastiness. I therefore award them a Barf.

They are attempting to pass a law that will make it an offence for those on benefits to be in possession of more than $20 cash in any month. They propose to have all of the 'public assistance' paid onto a debit card which will only allow spending on approved purchases. The poor can already be arrested for vagrancy if they have no cash on them at all. This measure will ensure that they will have to possess some cash, but not more than $20 in order to avoid arrest.

What sort of seismic nastiness does it take to attempt to exercise that level of control on poor people? One can only hope that this law never sees the light of day. Still, one has to question how politicians like this get elected in the first place. Does the electorate share this level of nastiness or is it just that they blindly continue to vote for a party that works against the interests of ordinary people? And do they continue to do so because, as they often profess, they believe that this is about defending their 'freedoms' or that Jesus would want things done this way?


Plain stupid

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