Wednesday 23 March 2011

Budget 2011 - Massive Changes for All

UK Chancellor George Osborne has announced a raft of measures designed to set the economy alight. In his speech today, he announced a tiny fraction of increases here and some tiny decreases there, in a move that will make absolutely no difference to anyone.


"I'm 24p a week better off," announced a delighted commuter at St Pancras Station. Peter Nobody, a shop assistant from St Albans, was eager to get home to discuss the bonanza with his wife. "I think we will be getting that second spatula", he continued, grinning from ear to ear.

Peter Nobody - 'New Spatula'

But not everyone was happy with Osborne's changes. Unemployed chiropodist Leslie Gerund complained at her misfortune. "I have already been hit hard, what with being unemployed and that. I stand to lose out nearly 13p a week under today's changes. I'm devastated."

Leslie Gerund - 13p down & devastated

Economist Arthur Hack offered a sober analysis of the Budget. "The country was broke before it and it is still broke today. If you are poor, you're stuffed whatever happens. You may pay a few quid less in petrol, but you will be spending a bit more on something else." George Osborne is a waste of space and for that, I blame William Hague.

Hague - 'All his fault'

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