Sunday 20 March 2011

Hague - "I am Justice!"

World Statesman, William Hague, has provided a personal slap in the face to evil dictator Colonel Gaddafi. Fresh back from leading the heroic RAF fighting force in the skies over Libya, he peeled back his flying helmet to announce "I am Justice!"

Hague - At the controls of his Sopwith Camel

Hague went on to draw parallels between himself and the International Criminal Court. "In the past, we have brought scum such as Gaddafi to the ICC in The Hague. Well, now we are bringing 'The Hague' to Gaddafi. I am The Hague and I am Justice. Feel my wrath, Desert-boy."

Telling the army - "Stand aside - I am here"

Hague's personal intervention has raised his already considerable reputation. Although in recent weeks he had been seen as somewhat rash, inexperienced and pathetic, the tables have been turned with his boys-own heroics. Insiders have suggested that once he has finished with Gaddafi, he intends taking the fight for justice to other regimes around the world. A source close to the world statesman claimed "Mugabe may not have been brought to The Hague, but 'The Hague' is now coming for him."

The ICC in The Hague - Do we need it anymore?

Hague's new role as the 'Deliverer of Justice' has brought into question the future of The International Criminal Court. Otto Van Blik, the Chief Justice at the ICC has resigned claiming that his role is now unnecessary. "William Hague has redefined 'justice' for a new age. Who needs a static building for justice when we have a Goliath, striding across international boundaries and bringing judgment where it is needed? He is my hero."

Otto Van Blik - 'The ICC is no longer needed'

William Hague was unavailable for comment. Sources close to the Foreign Secretary have claimed that he was being fitted for a new uniform, consistent with his role as the new 'Deliverer of Justice'. "It won't be a superhero outfit," claimed the source, "that would just be ridiculous. He has designed the uniform himself and it will be consistent with his many roles. It will work just as well in the House of Commons as it will in the cockpit." Hague will be back at the controls of his Sopwith Camel in the coming week to lead the enforcement of his UN Resolution.

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