Tuesday 15 March 2011

Something fishy going on in rural England

A while ago, I posted about the second anniversary of the death of Kelly Groucutt, the talented bass guitarist and backing vocalist for ELO. It is a tragedy when someone dies before their time - he was only in his early sixties.

Kelly Groucutt

Today I read about the death of another member of ELO, cellist Mike Edwards. Again, in his early sixties, Mike was killed when a massive hay bail rolled down a hillside and on to his van. It is one of those improbable accidents that you rarely imagine is possible outside of a Warner Brothers' cartoon.

Mike Edwards - scene of the 'accident'

However, this is beginning to sound like an episode of Midsomer Murders - after all, these members of ELO lived in rural parts of England (Worcs & Devon respectively) and the band has an all-white line-up - something that would doubtlessly meet with the approval of Midsomers Producer, Brian True-May. I have to ask: are the line-up of ELO slowly being bumped off for some still uncertain reason? Are we likely to hear that Richard Tandy has fallen into a grain silo in Norfolk or that Bev Bevan has been trampled to death by a flock of Herdwicks in Cumbria?

A Herdwick - "I'm looking at you, Bev Bevan"

Conspiracy theories to one side, I cannot imagine any reason why someone would have these fine musicians bumped off. It just doesn't make any sense. However, and to be on the safe side, I have one final piece of advice for members of ELO. If I were you, I would be tempted to move to a city immediately. Keep well away from the countryside and avoid contact with any of the following people:
  • Miss Marple
  • Jessica Fletcher
  • Hercule Poirot
  • Bergerac
  • Dick Cheney
  • Ashley Cole

Jessica Fletcher - On the set of Jeff Lynne's new video

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