Monday 14 March 2011

I want to vomit this is so pathetic

The U.S. has a deep stain on its reputation. I have written about it before. Bradley Manning, the brave young soldier who leaked embarrassing documents which demonstrated U.S. complicity in torture and war crimes, is currently being held in inhumane conditions by the U.S. military awaiting trial. His detention is basically torture - he is sleep deprived, isolated and forced to sleep naked. Any truly democratic government should hang its collective head in shame - but not the U.S.

Finally, there appeared to be an official reaction to the world-wide criticism. A ray of hope. PJ Crowley - a spokesman for the U.S. State Department - went on record at a press conference to describe Manning's treatment as 'silly'. His actual words were...

"What is happening to Manning is ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid, and I don't know why the DoD [Department of Defense] is doing it. Nevertheless, Manning is in the right place."

Hardly the most daring of condemnations, but definitely a step in the right direction. Finally - and foolishly - I presumed that something had stirred in the conscience of the government. Perhaps, I believed, some steps might be taken to put this disgraceful situation right. In my wildest dreams, I even pondered whether somebody out there might actually have to apologise or resign as a result of this state-sanctioned torture of one of their own.

Crowley - finally acknowledging the appalling treatment of Manning

But no! Once again, it's not the wrong-doers that have paid the price, but the person brave enough to expose the wrong-doing. Crowley has apologised and resigned for the heinous crime of pointing out that his government was behaving badly. He has apologised for the 'impact of his words' - whatever that is supposed to mean. What sort of sick mentality is employed to create this scenario? The U.S. can torture, cheat, lie, murder and act like the very worst totalitarian regimes - but just don't be the person who points it out or exposes it to the world. What a terribly sick nation the U.S. has become.

I have nothing more to say other than "Quick - pass me the sick-bag!"

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