Saturday 12 March 2011

Party Activists defeat hopeless Clegg

Lib Dem Activists have put their embarrassing excuse for a leader, 'New Conservative' Nick Clegg, firmly in his place by rejecting the Tories' proposed NHS reforms. At their spring conference, the ordinary members of the beleaguered 'third' party overwhelmingly rejected the plans to dump all over the NHS which Nick Clegg had urged the party to support. It now means that he has no option but to return to Cabinet and beg for changes to the plans.

Good for the Lib Dem activists. Not only was this not Lib Dem policy, it wasn't even in the Coalition Agreement or the Tory Manifesto. It is an ideologically driven reform that no self-respecting Lib Dem would ever give any support to - though that hasn't stopped the hopeless Clegg from doing just that. The party faithful have given their clearest signal yet that they have little confidence in the direction the party has taken since entering into an uncomfortable coalition - with a party they have little in common with.

This puts Clegg in a very sticky position. These reforms have become a major strand of government policy. Without the backing of party members, there is little chance that the leadership or the MPs can vote these reforms through. It will inevitably put a severe strain on the coalition - should it collapse, it would be a disaster for both parties. Clegg is now faced with a difficult choice - ignore his party's wishes or upset his Coalition partners. The coming weeks will prove to be an interesting time for political watchers and the future of this particular policy is now uncertain.

However, what is pretty certain is that Clegg has been exposed as the shameless Tory that he has now become. In years to come, Lib Dems will rue the day that they ever elected this man as their 'leader'. If he thought he looked big and clever sitting next to Cameron in the House of Commons, surely now he is going to be looking pretty foolish. Or, as the interwebs would put it...

Mr Clegg

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