Saturday 5 March 2011

Shock News!

Bank of England Governor, Mervyn King, has shocked the country by claiming that banks 'put profit before people'. The news came as a shock to the british people who have long believed the banks to be charitable organisations dedicated to the public good. King made the comments in an interview in today's Daily Telegraph. 'I've been thinking about this for some time', he admitted. 'Despite appearances to the contrary, the banks do appear to be more interested in profits. I know they hide it well, but I'm afraid that they are less interested in people.'

'I've only just realised' - Mervyn King

King's comments have been met with incredulity by the public. In other news, Yogi Bear has claimed to be 'smarter than the average bear', the Pope has admitted that he is a catholic and Nick Clegg is a waste of space.

'Smarter than the average bear' - Yogi

'I'm a catholic - honest' - Pope


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