Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bizarre News Story of the Day

Ex Liberal Democrat MP Mark Oaten, has chosen to work for the International Fur Trade Federation. Oaten voted against Fox Hunting - a fairly typical response from a Lib Dem - but has raised eyebrows by joining an organisation that most Lib Dems wouldn't touch with a barge-pole.

Then again, with the recent departure of the Lib Dems from the left of british politics, nothing would surprise me about any of their MPs. After all, I never would have predicted Nick Clegg would become a member of David Cameron's Cabinet. Maybe, all Oaten is doing is living up to the standards of his party colleagues.

What next? Will Vince Cable announce that he is off to spend his summer vacation clubbing baby seals in Canada? Nothing will surprise me about the Lib Dems anymore. What a disappointment!

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