Saturday 26 March 2011

Half a Century of Evil

Guess who is 50 today. Go on, guess!

Hague - Underground Lair

Hiding in his underground lair and planning the downfall of civilisation, William Hague turned 50 today. Never has the planet seen such a slippery weasel, a man so evil he makes Hitler look like a pussy cat and Stalin, a girl guide. He has risen to the rank of Foreign Secretary - oh, wait - to the rank of Leader of the Conservative Party, and then back down again to just Foreign Secretary. He points and laughs at the poor, drives his car over new-born babies and spits on blind people - just for fun - so it is alleged.*

Hague - without the make-up, or the cap

We've seen his sort before and we will doubtless see them again. In the meantime, we have to suffer this evil man and his evil ways. There are those that claim that the 'Anti-Christ' is amongst us and biding his time. Can anyone be in any doubt as to the true identity of the beast? I know who my money is on - the twisted one.

* These allegations are entirely without foundation. How much more proof do you need?

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