Tuesday 15 March 2011

United States of Barf - Another Award

The Federal Government of the U.S. works on behalf of the american people and not big business. Right?


Check out this story from the States today...

A progesterone hormone injection, used to prevent preterm labor, used to be $10 a shot. Now that the FDA has assigned an exclusive right to create the easily-made formula to one company, KV Pharmaceuticals, the price has risen to $1500. Almost all of it is pure profit, and KV Pharma did not develop the drug or pay for its trials: the taxpayer did, via the National Institute for Health. It is said to be the only drug proven to prevent pre-term birth.

What a charming little story - the Food & Drug Administration working hard for the interests of a large pharmaceutical company at the expense of ordinary americans whose taxes paid for the development of the drug. I think this deserves another award of the United States of Barf:

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