Monday 11 April 2011

Bradley Manning Update

Bradley Manning, the US serviceman being held in disgraceful conditions whilst awaiting trial for leaking documents to Wikileaks, has received support from 250 leading legal minds, who have described his treatment as illegal, unconstitutional and amounting to torture.

A protester at a 'Manning' Rally

The 250 top lawyers, barristers and academics have signed an open letter protesting against his pre-trial treatment in a US military brig and refer to it as 'unconstitutional'. They claim that the manner in which he is being held is in breach of the eighth amendment forbidding cruel and unusual punishment and the fifth amendment that prevents punishment without trial.

So far, President Obama has been silent on the issue - doubtless with one eye on his re-election campaign. One of the signatories happens to be Obama's Law Professor, Laurence Tribe. Whether this will make any difference remains to be seen. However, the issue once again highlights Obama's reluctance to do anything that might upset the right wing in the U.S. - a far cry from his election promises to clean up America's act in such matters. What a disappointment. Where is the cheerleader for 'Hope' now? What price decency?

Obama - liar, liar?

For more information on this story:

Today's Guardian Article - click here
Guardian's Bradley Manning Files - click here

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