Monday 18 April 2011

New Barf Award - Congrats to the Lib Dems

Nick Clegg has said a lot of things over the past few years. Not all of them have been true and not all the promises he has made have been kept. There is one issue he has gone to town on - cleaning up politics - what he has referred to as the 'new politics'.

The country needs politicians who will do things differently. Their reputation has been sullied in recent years by expenses scandals, with a number of MPs now behind bars as a result. They were seen as greedy and self-serving, with little regard for the people who elected them. There have also been scandals regarding payment for access - where politicians in positions of power have 'sold' opportunities to meet with them and lobby for particular interests. 'We will listen to your concerns - if the price is right'.

Don't make me laugh!

But the Lib Dems have come up with a new access scheme which flies in the face of all the sanctimonious guff that Nick Clegg has been spouting for years. The only thing that I can admire about this is its brazenness. In every other way, it is a despicable flight from principle. The 'Leaders' Forum' will provide access to the movers and shakers within the Lib Dems for an annual fee of £25000, with the money going straight into the party's bank account. In a communication with lobbyists, Clegg has written...

"We are in Government for the first time in almost 70 years and are playing a central role in creating a fairer and more prosperous Britain. I'd like to invite you to join the debate ... My colleagues and I want to listen to you and to continue this dialogue."

Maybe this explains Clegg's choice of coalition partner. Forget principles - go with whoever could secure the power - and the money will follow. Plain and simple, this is cashing in. What better way of funding the party's debts than selling access to power? 'Oh, we want to listen to you - now get your cheque book out'.

How to start a conversation with the Lib Dems

They have seriously tried to deny this is cash for access. A spokeswoman said:

"Far from it being about access or influence it is an opportunity for us as a party to discuss and explain what we are doing in government and to stimulate conversation on various issues within group settings."

And explaining your policies and having a conversation should cost £25k? Do they really think we were born yesterday? Who pays £25k to have a nice chat about Lib Dem policy? People pay money for access to power. But Mr Clegg should remember where that power comes from. It comes from the will of the electorate, as expressed by the votes cast last May. It is not theirs by right - it has been bestowed upon them, in trust, by the people. It is, in short, not theirs to sell. Everyone in Britain should expect to have equal access to the ear of those that govern. And that access should not come at a price. Once again, we see the Lib Dems flush their principles down the Westminster toilet. And I for one am sick of it.

For that reason, I award Mr Clegg and his high-powered Lib Dem colleagues, the Barf Award.

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