Saturday 9 April 2011

A Plan to Ban Spitting

Enfield Borough Council have announced a plan to ban spitting in public places. Good thing too, if you ask me. Perhaps spitting isn't as common these days as it once was, but it is still disgusting to behold and a health hazard too. Enfield's justification is that there has been a rise in cases of TB and spitting is one way that this disease is spread.

Chavs spitting in street

I must confess that I see very few people spitting now that I am living in Reading. However, I cannot claim the same for the people of Liverpool when I lived there. I do like the scousers, on the whole, but it was quite common to see them spitting in public. Yes, the streets were often sprinkled with a liberal coating of scouse phlegm. That, and a fair bit of litter. And dog-poo.

Anyway, Enfield are planning to issue £80 on-the-spot fines, with litter wardens responsible for the policing. If it makes people think twice, then I think it is a good thing. As habits go, it is almost always quite unnecessary - a learned habit - and one we could all do without. Good for Enfield. Let's hope Liverpool City Council follows their lead.

This post has left me feeling a bit nostalgic for all that spit, litter and poo, so here is a little reminder of the wonderful peaceful and friendly people you find on Merseyside, as interpreted by Harry Enfield (see how I worked this post back to Enfield where it started).

Warning - The language is a tad fruity - nothing too bad - so be prepared...

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