Wednesday 13 April 2011

Carry on Nurse

Cameron, Clegg, Lansley... that lot. They have been claiming in recent times how their plans to reform the NHS have the support of those who work in it. Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, had an opportunity today to test that claim. The Royal College of Nursing were holding their conference in Liverpool and they put the plans to the vote.

Lansley - Slightly Wrong

The RCN voted 99% in favour of a motion of no confidence in the health secretary's handling of the NHS reforms. So it was close then. He wasn't too far out, was he? Actually, many of those that spoke at the conference demonstrated just how very angry and disgusted nurses really feel about this issue. Not pretty.

Of course, his reaction was predictable. It wasn't that the reforms were bad - it was just that he had failed to communicate how wonderful they really are. Well, he would say that, wouldn't he? That's because the RCN is an organisation populated by really stupid people. They cannot read or think for themselves. They are incapable of working out whether these reforms are any good or not. No, once he explains it all to them, then they'll be just dandy with it. My prescription for Lansley - Go and boil your head.

Government to Nurses - 'Get back in your Box & Shut Up'

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