Thursday 28 April 2011

God Bless You, Ma'am

Yes, indeed! God bless you, your majesty! We, your humble subjects, are gratified to share in this happy moment in the history of our great nation. And we count our blessings every day, and give humble thanks for your magnificent reign.

The Queen (right)

Surely there couldn't be a better queen anywhere on the planet. But we know that you have followed the great example of your wonderful parents, Good King George and his celestial consort, Queen Elizabeth. With his chirpy stutter (what became known as 'the Royal Stutter') and her wonderfully aristocratic teeth (the shade became known as 'Royal Brown'), how could we have been better served in those dark days of the blitz?

Teeth - 'Royal Brown'

And then there are your regal children - three royal princes and a princess that are surely the envy of the world. Who could forget the fairytale royal romance of the last generation - the marriage of Prince Charles to his lovely wife, Princess Diana Camilla? And who could ever forget Princess Anne and her husband Mark Tim? Or Andrew and Fergie? And now the next generation will make us all humble and proud all over again.

'May I humbly exterminate your majesty?'

So, God bless you Ma'am. We all love you and wish you many more years reigning over your loyal subjects. And so, we raise a glass and raise a cheer. Three cheers for you Ma'am!


  1. Say what you like about the Queen and her family, so long as you remember the massive contribution Prince Edward alone has made to British media and culture through his film and TV work.

    I for one will never forget the cultural milestone that was "It's a royal knockout". I still watch it most evenings and weekends. I'm in tears every time I watch it.

  2. Although I support the ancient rules of succession, I sometimes wish we could all vote for our favourite royal to become monarch. Edward is easily everyone's favourite and would win by a landslide.

  3. p.s. if it weren't for the fact that I love them all dearly, part of me wishes that the Queen, Princes Charles, Andrew, Wills and Harry would get carried away in a twister just so that Edward could become our rightful King.

    I would easily volunteer all of my organs for transplant should he ever become ill.

  4. Yes! Edward is my favourite too. He is royal in an almost effortless way. His valuable work in the arts - splendid. (I am sure that's why people have often said of him that 'he knows people in the theatre'). Three cheers for you, Prince Valiant!
