Tuesday 5 April 2011

Get Back in your Box and Shut Up - Part 2

Cabinet Office Minister and Tory millionaire, Oliver Letwin, has offered his support to the Tory Party's new unofficial slogan - 'Get Back in your Box and Shut Up!'

Millionaire & Old-Etonian Oliver Letwin

Today's Independent reports a conversation that Mr Letwin had with London Mayor Boris Johnson in which he 'did not want to see more families in Sheffield able to afford cheap holidays'. It seems he doesn't like the airports becoming too crowded - and why should he? Don't people know who he is? Can't they see just how rich and important he is? Get out of his way, peasant scum! Bizarrely, his comments have attracted some criticism.

Don't worry Oliver - it goes with the territory. Maybe you will have to keep a low profile for a while - perhaps play a bit of tennis at your constituency home - having fixed the leaking pipe under the court using £2,145 of public money, having originally claimed this cost as MPs expenses (later repaid).

Oh Olly Boy - The pipes, the pipes are claiming

Or maybe he should follow the example of his old Tory friend, Sir Nicholas Winterton. Both Sir Nicholas and his wife Ann were MPs who did exceptionally well from the expenses system. Having bought their flat outright, they transferred the ownership to a family trust and continued claiming rent as 'expenses'. Nice! And why shouldn't they? They are not just ordinary people. Complaining about the expectation that MPs should stop claiming expenses for first class travel on trains, Sir Nicholas explained...

"If I was in standard class I would not do work because people would be looking over your shoulder the entire time, there would be noise, there would be distraction. They are a totally different type of people."

Sir Nicholas and his charming wife Ann - better than you!

Yes, Sir Nicholas, you are right. They are scum. You and Oliver shouldn't have to mix with the peasantry. They should just get back in their boxes and shut up. And leave the world to proper people like you and Olly and your family trust.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as 'class' seems to be the topic de jour, I thought I would pass on this quote from a newspaper story about Wills and Kate. Ahem (clears throat):

    "Kate is a very modern girl who has no time for class or privilege," a family friend tells me. "That's one of the most important lessons she learnt at Marlborough."

    (Falls about laughing)
