Tuesday 19 April 2011

Coalition Watch

The coalition is under threat. Here are today's pointers...

The AV referendum is likely to be lost. Polling shows that the 'No' campaign is gaining support and is now 16% ahead. If the Lib Dems fail to change the voting system, there will be very little to keep their MPs on-message. Doubtless, thoughts will turn to their chances of re-election under the current system and rebellion against the coalition's cuts will not be too far behind.

Are you going somewhere Vince?

Vince Cable was sounding rather defeatist today. He considered resigning over his 'War on Murdoch' gaffe and he admitted in an interview that ..."if I find myself outside the government, I can assure you there are all kinds of things I can do with my life. I can have much fun going around the country speaking, writing books and probably doubling my income in the process." Goodness, man! You've only just got into government. Are you really so pre-occupied with what you will do once you are out of it?

I give it six months. Tops!

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