Sunday 3 April 2011

Pareidolia - Or stuff that looks like stuff

This house has been in the news recently. Someone has decided that the house looks like Adolf Hitler. Hmm! What do you think? The term given to 'stuff that looks like stuff' is 'Pareidolia'.

I must confess that I have seen better 'stuff that looks like stuff' than the Hitler-house. Here are my very own favourites. See what you think of these fine examples. By the way - this will only work if you scroll down the page, picture by picture - otherwise, you will see the answer before you have a chance to properly guess. Give them a go. What about this quaint looking house?

Well! Did you see it? I know that one was just a bit too obvious, but for those who really are a bit on the slow side, the answer was Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Fantastic!

Uncanny, isn't it. You'd think they were one and the same if I hadn't pointed out the difference. Anyway, what about this one? This is one that bowled me over.

Easy, wasn't it? Who else but bad-boy comedian, Russell Brand. Absolutely amazing, isn't it? Just Brilliant!

Now for a slightly tougher one. To some it may just look like a tree, but I think the resemblance is just spot on. Go on. Who do you think this one reminds you of?

Yes, of course. It was a meerkat - what else? I think that it is the eyes that gives it away.

Well, if you can come up with any better examples, I would love to see them. I will happily publish the best ones I receive. Brilliant! Just brilliant!


  1. I refer you to an answer I gave before. I give you the superb

    or this train that looks very like a person:

  2. Both brilliant suggestions, Tom. The second one made me laugh so much - I had no idea what was about to appear.
