Sunday 17 April 2011

Nostalgia Trip - Opening Credits to 'Follyfoot'

How about this one from the early 1970's. You'll know the music alright, but I don't know anyone who ever watched this. You will notice one time Aldershot FC President and 'Are You Being Served' superstar Arthur English displaying some truly great physical comedy. Oh, what a funny guy! Sorry about this - this music will probably be in your head for the next few weeks.


  1. I remember it well. If it had come up in a pub quiz I would have guessed it was called 'The Lightning Tree'. I had no interest in fiction so I probably just remember the opening sequence. Catchy tune or what?

  2. I only remember the tune. I have no memory of the programme itself. Something about horses, I guess.

  3. Yes. Obviously some bright marketing spark said they had to cater for the AB young teen female sector - something to give the advertisers an audience for the posh teenage girl crap they were pushing at the time - Boots-brand makeup probably. According to detailed market research (boxes ticked on a free offer somewhere) they found that the sector had a high interest in horses and ponies. Hence the programme.

    Seriously, that's how things worked then and still work now.

    If they had found out that young teenage girls spent their time mostly thinking about Donny Osmond's cock, it might have been a very different program indeed :-)
