Friday 15 April 2011

New Evidence of Evolution in Bears

Exciting new evidence has emerged of evolution shaping the modern form of the bear. The evidence was first collected in 1972 but the significance of it has only just been realised. The first bears, or 'proto-bears' were quite different from what we now recognise as a modern bear. In fact, they were definitely more frightening - with smaller heads - and they uttered quite primitive vocals. This first video of three shows the proto-bear in its original environment. The genetic make-up of the other creature has never been adequately identified...

Shooting forward in time, we see the bear becoming a little more familiar. The head has enlarged, though the coloration and vocal definition is still some way from the modern equivalent...

Finally, we see the modern bear emerge. This is what we have become familiar with over the years. Here the bear is less frightening, but still a bit of an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. I think evolutionary scientists have missed an important discovery. Until this moment they were unaware that nature had evolved a zip-like mechanism at anything above the molecular level, yet clearly the unidentified creature has evolved an 'interlocking tooth' machanism as a labial structure.

    Behavioural psychologists might also like to note that the creature is very naughty.
