Tuesday 26 April 2011

A Truly Great Tribute

There are actors that I really cannot stand. Will Ferrell is one that I could mention. It seems that everything he touches turns to poo - to put it mildly. Occasionally, there are actors that I start out disliking and then that opinion gradually changes. Sometimes it is me. Sometimes it is them. For me, Jim Carrey started out as one of those actors I could not abide - it was the OTT, manic and rather childish roles he accepted early in his career that got to me (e.g. Ace Ventura - Pet Detective). But, as time passed, he has really grown on me.

Ferrell - All that glisters is not necessarily gold

There are two films in particular that changed my opinion. The first was The Truman Story, which worked so well on so many different levels. The second was his masterful performance as left-field comedian Andy Kaufman in the marvellous biopic Man on the Moon. Since then, with a few bloopers aside, he has been one of my favourite comic actors. As a personality it is swings and roundabouts - on the up-side, he has been outspoken about his own bouts of depression and has campaigned for democratic change in Burma, but to off-set this, he has also been an rather vocal sceptic on the efficacy of vaccinations. Well, you can't win them all.

Carrey as Truman Burbank

It turns out that the rather manic persona he portrays is not too far from the real man. I was delighted when he was asked by Sir George Martin to offer a contribution to a Beatles tribute album and he chose one of my favourite tracks - I am the Walrus. The track suits Carrey - it compliments his madcap image and he certainly did not fall short when it came to the recording. Here is that recording. Enjoy...

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