Wednesday 20 April 2011

I bet that cured her high temperature

What does the doctor recommend if you are running a bit of a temperature? Probably not what this poor woman got. Janet Richardson, 73, from Cumbria was feeling so ill whilst on a cruise ship, they decided to take her to hospital. The ship, being just off the coast of Norway, called for help and the Norwegians sent a ship of their own. But in transferring her from one ship to the other, they dropped her in the sea.

She was in the sub-zero waters for eight minutes before they managed to retrieve her. That will have brought her temperature down a point or two. They then took her off to a hospital, where she is recovering.

I would imagine that this incident probably ruined her afternoon, if not the whole day. Still, I am sure that Janet and her husband George are probably laughing the incident off as I write. Still, mustn't grumble. Anyway, do you know what this story reminds me of? Yes, got it in one.

1 comment:

  1. I whole-heartedly condemn the irresponsible actions of this so-called 'gran', messing about like that while professional people risk their lives. In my opinion they should have left her there as a warning to the others. I hope she is punished to the fullest extent of the law.
