Friday 15 April 2011

Rebels or Insurgents?

I don't understand.

When people in Iraq fight against the dominant power in their country, they are called 'Insurgents'.
They're bad.

When people in Libya fight against the dominant power in their country, they are called 'Rebels'.  
They're good.

Well - that's sorted that one out.

Nato Leaders have today called for Gaddafi to go. Because he is a very bad man. He is a pariah. He is evil and not to be trusted. He kills his own people and sponsors terrorism around the world. Let me illustrate who we are talking about. Have a look at these photographs. They will help you work out who is involved...

You see the evil looking guy in this photo. Well, that's Gaddafi standing to his right. Tony Blair obviously thinks Gaddafi is not to be trusted. Tony is clearly not happy to be meeting this guy. And this one...

That's another Nato Leader who doesn't trust Gaddafi. Nicolas Sarkozy clearly hates Gaddafi and will not have anything to do with him. And...

There's Italy's Berlusconi. He wouldn't have anything to do with such a despotic dictator, would he? No one would. The whole world shuns this awful man. Well, at least their leaders do. When they get together, it's all they ever talk about. Get-togethers, like this one...

Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Dmitry Medvedev - the list just goes on and on.  They all think he is a disgrace who does not deserve their support. And they certainly wouldn't go selling him any weapons, would they? Or would they?

Thank God our leaders know how to spot a bad egg and how wonderful it is that they do not give such an evil man the time of day. The people of Libya can rest easy tonight, knowing as they do that Gaddafi's isolation has left him without any weapons to use against them.

So, these guys fighting Gaddafi - remind me again. Are they rebels or insurgents?

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