Tuesday 19 April 2011

Coalition Watch - Warm Words from Chris Huhne

"I think this is the politics of the gutter."

So thinks Chris Huhne, the Lib Dem Energy Secretary in the Con-Dem Coalition Cabinet. Who could he be talking about? Yes, the Conservatives. Well, strictly speaking, those that are spreading 'downright lies' and are involved in 'scare and smears' regarding the 'No' Campaign in the AV Referendum.

Huhne - Not a happy bunny this Easter

I know that Labour are involved in the 'No' campaign, but his remarks were specifically aimed at the Conservatives. He went on...

"I am frankly shocked that coalition partners can stoop to a level of campaign that we have not seen in this country before."

Mmm! Things ain't sounding so cosy any more. He is still awaiting a response to an earlier letter he sent to Baroness Warsi, the Conservative Party Chairman, complaining about such tactics. Personally, I don't think he will get a response. I don't think they're talking any more.

I give it five months. Max.

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